
Come on in to Liam's Hi-5 House 2nd Birthday Party!!

Come on in, to our house and play. Yup! that exactly what happened on Liam's 2nd Birthday Party. We decided to have a more intimate and simple celebration this time. Only his cousins, aunts, uncles, grandpa and grandma came over weekend before Liam's actual birthday. Wall Decor DIY by me Something for the kids to play   I save Hi-5 tattoo from 2013's Hi-5 tour here in Manila, we used an award to those who completed the coloring tasks. Hi - 5 Tattoo for kids Even Liam's Auntie had fun on the inflated pool filled with plastic balls. Even adults enjoy this pool of colorful plastic balls Kids are busy coloring Cotton candy station Popcorn station THE FOOD & GIVEAWAY Meaty spaghetti, skewered hotdogs and mallow & fried chicken Filipino version of lemonade: Calamansi Juice for the kiddos Hi-5 Loot Bags  

Oh Toodles! Liam's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Themed Party

Liam's Birthday Teaser by Aggie banzon A very long overdue post on Liam's First Birthday party. Finally, Iwas able to get my head together and finished this blog. I hope i'll be able to impart some ideas for a mickey mouse themed party. :) I opted to go for a Mickey Mouse themed party because Liam was very fond of Mickey Mouse clubhouse by the time he turned 1. We decided held it at a nearby McDonald's because luckily they have already a party themed mickey mouse clubhouse page. Liam's birthday cake Liam's Invitation by Aggie Banzon I super love the invitation that a friend did to Liam. Aggie capture the idea that I have in mind. Aggie is a dear friend to me and my husband. She's a ballerina graphic artist. Yeah, she is very talented! :D Liam's Decoupage by JK Arts and Crafts Okay, this decoupage! This came into mind because, I initially wanted to have the party on an open space where people can have their photo taken here and all.

My take on Figaro's Al Tonno Pasta

Figaro is one of my go to coffee shops that serves good pasta and nakakapangdilat ng kape. One small iced coffee in the morning will be enough to give you the boost that you need to go through the day in the office. But aside, from coffee, i also am a constant consumer of their pasta. One of my fave is Al Tonno Pasta. Figaro's Al Tonno Pasta I love how simple it is and at the same time tasty. :) My Take on Figaro's Al Tonno (FAFU's Al Tonno) Well, I think I nailed it! :D So here is my recipe for you to try it as well. Tip, put in plenty of dried basil, olives and capers and chili flakes for a more tasty one. :) 500g pasta (linguine) 1/2 cup olive oil Minced onion and garlic 2 cans lite tuna flakes in vegetable oil Dried Basil Pitted olives Capers Chili Flakes (optional) Parmesan cheese Salt and Pepper to taste Cook pasta on a boiling hot water with salt, pepper and oil. Sautee everything in order, then put 1/2 cup pasta water. Let it boil them simmer

Despicable Me! Not!!!!!!

Despicable is defined as someone/thing f it or deserving to be despised. Hmmm... Despicable Me's first movie have a lot more storyline on how Gru (the villain supposed) wanted to perform the darkest heist he could possibly until these three adorbs cute little girls turns his life around. And that is how the second installment of this movie franchise began. Gru turned out to be not the one who is despicable, as the title says. For the sake of those who have not seen the movie yet, I will not go into details na. Officially this is my son's first big screen movie experience. He had fun and enjoyed watching it. Kasi nung patapos na sya mejo nainip. The movie for me and my sister thinks it did not have any dull moments. There were many "awwwww", "oh!", "LOL" and I couldn't count the many cutesy adorbs moment in the movie. There are scenes that looks funny but it is mean funny (you know) that I think needs parental guidance still. Ov

My 11 month old Meal/Activity Plan

As mentioned before, I have an infant boy name Liam. Me and my husband decided to be hands on in taking care of him. Though I am a fulltime house mom and wife, yung isang araw madalas hindi pa sapat for me to accomplish all that needs to be done at home, at my work and with my baby. I'd like to share yesterday's meal/activity that Me and Liam did. July 5, Friday activies 7 am              Liam wakes up and have 7oz milk 8 am              Played in his playpen w/ lola while mommy prepared his Apple and Orange Juice 9 am              TV time w/ mommy and finished half of his juice drink 10:15 am       Finished 4 oz milk and AM nap ime 1 pm              Lunch Oatmeal w/ Yogurt and Diced Banana ( he had so much fun eating) 1:30 pm         Bath Time, the reading time 3-4 pm           Finished 7 oz milk then playtime with mommy and Ate Naika (practice walking and hide & seek) 6 pm              Sleeping time 7:30 pm         Liam wakes up and we drive to Makati, finis

Start of Something New

Yey! A fresh start. :) This actually is my second blogsite already. haha ☺The first one I made was when I finished shortly after college. The site I registered in was quite a techy blog and configuring it takes more time than writing. So that's why I am quite happy and excited to start blogging here at Blogger. I hope I get to have a few readers out there! 😃 Yippee! Lovelots! Farryl