My 11 month old Meal/Activity Plan

As mentioned before, I have an infant boy name Liam. Me and my husband decided to be hands on in taking care of him. Though I am a fulltime house mom and wife, yung isang araw madalas hindi pa sapat for me to accomplish all that needs to be done at home, at my work and with my baby.
I'd like to share yesterday's meal/activity that Me and Liam did.

July 5, Friday activies
7 am              Liam wakes up and have 7oz milk
8 am              Played in his playpen w/ lola while mommy prepared his Apple and Orange Juice
9 am              TV time w/ mommy and finished half of his juice drink
10:15 am       Finished 4 oz milk and AM nap ime
1 pm              Lunch Oatmeal w/ Yogurt and Diced Banana ( he had so much fun eating)
1:30 pm         Bath Time, the reading time
3-4 pm           Finished 7 oz milk then playtime with mommy and Ate Naika (practice walking and hide & seek)
6 pm              Sleeping time
7:30 pm         Liam wakes up and we drive to Makati, finishes 4 oz milk on the way
10:30 pm       Sleeps again and finishes 7 oz milk before sleeping

Liam had an LBM before writing this one that's why we try not to give him dinner so as to avoid stomach ache at night.

Of course in between those activities, I have to take a bath, do some social networking stuff, attend Nanay's small grocery, do some reasearch about blogging & preparing healthy baby foods, talking to my friend and fam about Liam's birthday prep, sweet talking with my husband, chikahan with Nanay and do stuff w/ my part time work as a Financial consultant.


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